Growing up and playing football in this area, I had a TON of respect and admiration for Coach Rob and the Grambling football program. I was fortunate enough to meet Coach Rob on more than one occasion and I considered it an honor to be able to shake the man's hand. I've never met Coach Fobbs, but I did watch some of his high school games when I was in college and I've always kind of kept up with where he was and what he was doing. From my understanding, he is cut from the same cloth as Coach Rob and to me that's about as high a compliment as there is....PERIOD. That being said, I always found it pretty funny when SWAC fans talked about how they could beat NLU or latech. I remember in 1992, when I was told by some of my SWAC friends that the great Steve McNair and Alcorn St was going to slaughter NLU. Umm, wrong and wrong. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your school or your conference, but I always found it more than a little irritating when SWAC fans extol the greatness of the SWAC over schools that have a much bigger recruiting base. the records don't lie. They lose yet they continue to talk about how much better they are. That would be like us SBC guys talking about how much better the SBC is than the SEC because we beat Arkansas that one time. The difference is that we DID beat them and we have NEVER lost to a SWAC school. Sorry...rant over.