Why the hell do we refer to these idiots as "Louisiana" in our game notes on ulmwarhawks.com? This is ridiculous and further infuriates me of Bruno bending over for the Cajuns. I'll never agree with this decision and it makes us look like weak. Well actually, maybe we are just weak. This university can do some DUMB things and makes it hard to support. This isn't just about athletics. If we are looked at as a satellite school of the one in Lafayette the value of our degrees just went down because they are breaking the law and OUR president allowed it, when he was the only one who could have stopped it. If he isn't going to do anything about it maybe there becomes a time when alumni of ULM and other ULS system schools file a class action suit and cease and desist for degradation of our degrees. The problem is finding enough that even care anymore. I don't honestly know that I do. When your leadership doesn't why should we?
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