So, getting a shower and about to go to the baseball game and I was thinking that we could probably pass the hat at the game and come up with some cash to help buyout Dow. I chuckled.....because, yes I do make myself laugh sometimes. Then it occurred to me that maybe that isn't such a far-fetched idea. Since none of us can stroke a check for $90K (I think), we should start a GoFundMe page. If we raise the money, we give it to NFlo so he can clean shop in WBB. If not, we can donate it for a specific item/event/sport.
Yes, part of it is a joke but there is a part of me that wonders just how much we could raise......unless one of you is sandbagging on how rich you truly are!!!
Yes, part of it is a joke but there is a part of me that wonders just how much we could raise......unless one of you is sandbagging on how rich you truly are!!!