From my understanding he is somewhat of a student coach / GA type. I’m glad Garrett stayed on with the guys he came in with. I wanted to see what he could do at a FCS but it’s hard to leave your boys like that. I think it’s good for Caleb and other QBs to have Garrett. Kinda like Doug was with Brett Farve. I always like his toughness and he showed some flashes but at sometimes it becomes too much physically / emotionally sometimes.
From my understanding he is somewhat of a student coach / GA type. I’m glad Garrett stayed on with the guys he came in with. I wanted to see what he could do at a FCS but it’s hard to leave your boys like that. I think it’s good for Caleb and other QBs to have Garrett. Kinda like Doug was with Brett Farve. I always like his toughness and he showed some flashes but at sometimes it becomes too much physically / emotionally sometimes.