Yes it watch Ford and see him more than any of you. Psbiotic is guessing, and that is more than my opinion based on facts that I know.
I know I got to have thick skin and I do for the most part but it bugs the crap out of me when things are said and it is not justified. That was the first missed FG. ST has some issues and they are being worked out but you guys make it sound like accuracy is an issue.
Any of you realize who holds the longest stretch of PATs in a single season? It was a 36 year old record and it was broke last year!
But I know the saying, what has he done for us lately. Oh well I need to let this go, you guys will continue to say what you want and think is the truth. Just sad that nothing is said about ST unless it is something bad.
Yes it watch Ford and see him more than any of you. Psbiotic is guessing, and that is more than my opinion based on facts that I know.
I know I got to have thick skin and I do for the most part but it bugs the crap out of me when things are said and it is not justified. That was the first missed FG. ST has some issues and they are being worked out but you guys make it sound like accuracy is an issue.
Any of you realize who holds the longest stretch of PATs in a single season? It was a 36 year old record and it was broke last year!
But I know the saying, what has he done for us lately. Oh well I need to let this go, you guys will continue to say what you want and think is the truth. Just sad that nothing is said about ST unless it is something bad.