Had the quarterly alumni meeting with the chapter/club presidents...here's some highlights for those that want to know -
- Applications for admission are about 400 for the fall of 2023
- 31 ambassadors is back and kicking this fall; they just had a retreat
- Tailgating at the alumni tent has had higher turnouts this year
- the Centennial Scholars - these are the kids that received the books and the $500 scholarships last year are now in the 4th grade and took part in the homecoming parade
- Bayouval is Oct 29 - music concert to raise money for scholarships for music department ( I think that was who benefitted)
- Chili Cookoff is November 5 vs Texas St.
- Looking to have more aligned events in the future - so the Houston chapter might have a wine tasing the same time as Wine over Water on campus; etc.
- Be sure to reach out to ensure the alumni association has all of your updated information
- Applications for admission are about 400 for the fall of 2023
- 31 ambassadors is back and kicking this fall; they just had a retreat
- Tailgating at the alumni tent has had higher turnouts this year
- the Centennial Scholars - these are the kids that received the books and the $500 scholarships last year are now in the 4th grade and took part in the homecoming parade
- Bayouval is Oct 29 - music concert to raise money for scholarships for music department ( I think that was who benefitted)
- Chili Cookoff is November 5 vs Texas St.
- Looking to have more aligned events in the future - so the Houston chapter might have a wine tasing the same time as Wine over Water on campus; etc.
- Be sure to reach out to ensure the alumni association has all of your updated information